How to respec your character in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

July 2024 · 2 minute read
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As you progress through Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you’ll slowly build and level up your character. The stats you select will dictate the build you create and allow you to use specific weapons, making them stronger as you use them in battle. Based on a weapon you want to try, or even a build you learn about, you may want to respec your character and give them a range of new stats. Here’s what you need to know about how to respec your character in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

Where to go to respect your character and reset stats in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

You won’t have the chance the respec your character until you get further in the game. You must wait until you arrive at the Hidden Village for the first time, and then climb the mountain to rescue Zuo Ci. This was the master that Hong Jing had been talking about on your way up to this point, who had been attempting to clear the demonic Qi from the mountain and cleanse it. Upon saving Zuo Ci, you can find him inside his hut at the Hidden Village and speak with him.

Related: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty full achievements and trophies guide

One of the choices you’ll have while speaking with Zuo Ci is the option to Reset Parameters. This will allow you to remove all of your stats from a chosen Virtue, and you can use it elsewhere. You’ll have to individually select what Virtues you want to remove and how much you plan to use. You’ll be able to see how your stats change on the right side, giving you an honest reflection on how your stats will change before you make a final decision. You can see how many points you’ve moved around on the left side, and how many you can redistribute.

Although you can revisit the Hidden Village anytime, you won’t be able to unlock this until you progress through the story.

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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