Dusky beauty Neha Sharma made her film debut alongside Ram Charan in the 2007 action-drama Chirutha. Even though she acted in a couple of Telugu movies during the early stages of her career, Neha couldn’t get much fame down the South. Soon, she shifted her base to Bollywood and made her Hindi debut in 2010.
Neha acted in a bunch of Hindi films and shot to fame in B-Town. The actress is quite active on social media and manages to grab the attention of netizens. This morning, Neha shared a picture of her wearing a white bikini and a white shirt on top of it. The Kurradu actress looks dazzling by striking a sultry pose.
“Holiday in my mind,” she captioned the picture. This hot photo is now trending on social media. On the career front, Neha was last seen in the web series Illegal. She will be next seen in the Hindi film Jogira Sara Ra Ra.
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