In a chat with Filmfare Editor Jitesh Pillaai, Aishwarya Rai recalled the moments after Abhishek Bachchan proposed to her. She admitted that “everything was a whirlwind”. Opening up about her last-minute roka ceremony, she said, “I didn’t know there was something called roka. We’re South Indians. Suddenly there was a call from their house to ours, ‘We are coming!’ and my dad was out of town.”
“Abhishek says, ‘I can’t stop them, we’re on our way this evening, we’re coming to your place.’ So this roka is happening with a call to my father who is out of town, mum is here, we are here and they’ve arrived all emotional. Then it was like ‘Okay, let’s go home.’ I was like, ‘Is this an engagement?’”
A day later Aishwarya was on Ashutosh Gowarikar’s set in a bridal ensemble filming for Khwaja Mere Khwaja for Jodha Akhbar. She recalled the surreal experience and shared that the director and her co-star Hrithik Roshan were very excited upon learning that she is engaged.
The video has now resurfaced online. Watch the full Famously Filmfare interview here: