les noces du comte par Martin Aurell page 236 :
"Des nobles de la cour d'Ermessende de Carcassonne font preuve d'une loyauté sans faille à l'égard de la comtesse..ainsi, parce qu'il doit beaucoup à Ermessende.. : Guillem de Montcada , qu'elle avait nommé viguier de la forteresse, donnant le nom à sa famille, qui contrôlait l'accès à Barcelone dans la vallée du Besos. En 1039, Ermessende devient même la garante du testament de Bernat Ruvira son frère. Un troisième frère, Ramon était à l'époque l'archidiacre du chapitre de Barcelone que la comtesse et ses amis s'efforçaient de réformer".
Vivait en 1068. Il est dit fils de Sunifred , mort vers 1002, selon Eugène Vasseur en référence à la Gran Enciclopedia Catalana.
Guillem de Montcada, the descendant of a respected line of vicars and viscounts whose last representative in the tenth century was named Seniofred.
Guillem founded the Montcada dynasty in the years when individual magnates were first beginning to create territorial lordships around a castle and a district whose care had traditionally been a public trust.
Guillem "de Vacarisses" appeared as "noble and witness" in a judicial assembly in Vic. By that time he was probably already a vicar or local administrator of a castle district. In 1014, as vicar of Vacarisses and Muntanyola, he was fulfilling responsibilities as an official of the count when he attended a suit by Vicar Ermir. In 1017 he appeared in Barcelona immediately after the count's death. There his name is linked to the acts of Countess Ermessenda, in whose hands Ramon Borrell had placed the governance of Barcelona, Manresa, Osona, and Girona.
Guillem's betrothed was Adelaida , daughter of the magnate Bonucio de Claramunt . An heiress whose widowed mother; Senegundis, held an important patrimony in the western Vallès and lower Llobregat .
Guillem de Montcada died in 1040 just as Ramon Guillem de Montcada, the eldest of his six sons, came of age. As heir to the castle of Montcada, Ramon Guillem also assumed a role in the court of Count Ramon Berenguer, his close contemporary.
The House of Moncada was started by Guillem I de Muntanyola or de Vacarisas (b. ? - d. 1040). He was the son of Sunifred, the Vizconde de Gerona (Viscount of Gerona) who was granted the castle and lands of Moncada in Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona. Guillem I took the name Guillermo I de Moncada in accordance with proper naming traditions upon being granted a landed title. Guillermo I married Adelaida de Claramunt (b. 1000 - d. 1063). Their first child, Ramón I de Moncada II Señor del Castillo de Moncada was appointed the office of Senescal de Barcelona and of Cataluña. Their second son, Bernat I de Moncada became the Ardiaca de Barcelona. The third son, Renard de Moncada went on to become the Señor del Castillo (lord) of Roca del Vallés and became the first head of the House of Sarroca or La Roca.
One of Ramón I's grandchildren, Guillén Ramón I de Moncada (b. ? - d. 1173), known as the Gran Senescal or the Dapifer became one of the infamous Nueve Barones de la Fama who were the most influential nobles in the court of the Count of Barcelona. He became the Senescal of Ramon Berenguer III of Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona, and of Alfonso I of Aragón.