Punjabi superstar Diljit Dosanjh has made a mark in the Hindi film industry with unconventional picks like Udta Punjab, Soorma and his latest blockbuster Good Newwz. Following this trend, the actor signed on Shaad Ali’s next film, titled Papa Ji Pet Se Hai. The film deals with yet another taboo, male pregnancy.
Reports suggested that Diljit loved the script and was to come down from San Francisco to begin shooting. Pre-production on the was on in full swing when a source close to the filmmaker revealed that Diljit has stopped responding to calls and may be having second thoughts about the film. The source revealed, “Diljit Dosanjh doesn’t seem to be interested in doing the film anymore. He’s not responding to the calls of the director and producer. Shaad Ali was all geared up to shoot for the film but they are now stranded and don’t know what to do. Hence, the shoot has now been indefinitely delayed. It seems like Diljit has developed cold feet. Maybe, he fears doing a film on such a taboo topic will invite backlash from his fans.”
Speaking further about the film being a remake of a Punjabi flick, Munda Hi Chahida, the source revealed, “Papa Ji Pet Se Hai is not a remake of this movie. In Munda Hi Chahida, the protagonist is not pregnant and just pretends to be one. Papa Ji Pet Se Hai’s concept is quite different and hence even more unconventional and taboo.”