Secret sex hashtags on Instagram show X-rated content is rife

July 2024 · 5 minute read

Instagram is filled with pornographic content – distributed on the platform using secret hashtags, according to a shocking investigation.

The photo-based social network, which claims to have a zero-tolerance policy on sexual content, is open to anyone aged 13 and older.

However, more than a dozen popular hashtags have been linked to adult images on the Facebook-owned platform.

Typical users add social hashtags – like #breakfast or #fridayfeeling – to the captions of their posts to make them easier to search. 

However, malicious users are purportedly employing hashtags to circulate pornographic content on the platform.

One of the x-rated videos shared was viewed more than 130,000 times in five hours.

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Instagram is awash with hardcore porn which could be viewed by children, according to a shocking investigation (stock image)

Instagram is awash with hardcore porn which could be viewed by children, according to a shocking investigation (stock image)

Some videos hidden on Instagram depict sexual intercourse – with genitals clearly visible, according to the investigation by the Sun

One pornographic clip depicted bestiality, featuring a woman and a horse.

Although Instagram bans obviously explicit hashtags like #porn, it cannot keep up with the myriad ways users are sharing the content on the website and app. 

Instagram users are even using social hashtags with special text characters so they cannot be detected.

Those who stumble upon an inappropriate image or video can click on the '...' icon below the post, then tap 'Report inappropriate' and follow the instructions. 

In its terms and conditions, the social network says it does not allow nude images.

'This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks.'


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However, photos of post-mastectomy scarring and women breastfeeding are allowed. Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is also allowed. 

'We have zero tolerance for pornographic content on Instagram,' an Instagram spokesperson told MailOnline.

'People can report content or accounts that violate our Community Guidelines via our in-app tools and we work quickly to remove it. 

'The content that violated our Community Guidelines on these hashtags has been removed and we are working to remove violating content against other hashtags. 

'We apologise to anyone who may have seen it.'  

It's not yet clear how or why the attack has been launched, but it will ring alarm bells after allegations hackers under the direction of President Putin targeted Facebook 

Instagram is trying out a new feature that will allow users to remove followers. Previously, users could only delete followers if they made their profile private


A recent study found when sharing parenting advice on social media, common topics included:

These common topics of conversation often reveal key information about a child, including: name, age/date of birth, school name and even their appearance.

Whilst it may be very difficult to protect the privacy of children in the digital age, there are some things that can be done to shelter children from online dangers. 

Know your privacy settings

It is amazing how many parents leave on their Instagram location settings. Set your location settings to off if you do not want people to be able to figure out where you and your children live.

Only share with people who care

Ask yourself if all the people you're sharing your photos with really want to see them and will they protect them in a way you would.

Explore private social networks

Private social networks offer a secure way to share the pictures of your children with your family and friends.

Don't take any digital photos

Ultimately the only way to be 100 per cent sure that you don't have a digital footprint is not to have any digital photos taken but this isn't a road the vast majority of people want to go down.    

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Instagram requires users to be aged 13 and older to sign-up to its service.

However, many children under that age have Instagram accounts.

Last week, it was announced Facebook and Instagram are cracking down on underage children who hold accounts with the social networks.

Moderators working for the online platforms now have the ability to proactively lock any accounts they suspect to be owned by someone under the age of 13.

Blocked users will be required to prove their age with a government-issued photo ID.

Until now, moderators would only investigate accounts if they were reported specifically for being potentially underage by other Facebook and Instagram users.

Last November, a damning Ofcom report revealed that half of British 12-year-olds and more than a quarter of ten-year-olds have their own social media profiles.

Facebook and Instagram require users to be over the age of 13 to hold an account.

This is because the US Child Online Privacy Protection Act states companies that collect personal information on users no longer need to seek the permission of a parent or guardian for users aged 13 and older. 


Instagram has introduced a new feature that allows you to 'mute' accounts without unfollowing them.

The feature will roll out to users worldwide in the next few weeks but for now is only available to a select number of iOS users. 

To mute someone's account, tap the menu button in the corner of one of their posts. 

From there, select 'mute' to stop their photos from popping up in your news feed - the user will not be notified that you have muted them.

You can also select 'mute posts and stories' to also block their Instagram stories from appearing in the app.
