Spinning circle | Android Central

July 2024 ยท 1 minute read
So did you actually read through that thread, and how it deals with Android System Webview? Updates to that system app can sometimes cause app crashes, so the solution might be to uninstall updates to ASW and wait for the next one to become available.

"People like me" are interested in trying to help others, which I've done for the past 9 years here at Android Central. I don't claim to be right all the time, but I am right a lot of the time. It's not just a hobby to me, but it's also an important habit, since I'm a doctor in real life.

I am always interested in knowing if I'm wrong about something, and strongly encourage anyone to point out any errors I make. It's important for me to know so that I don't perpetuate any bad advice.

Have a great day. Sure seems like you'll make lots of friends here.
