Here they are, just to show how long things took to get done, a diary as it were-
1492 Year of the Three Ships Sailing.
25th Flamerule
Session #1: Dark Squad hired by Gundren Rockseeker in Neverwinter.
26th Flamerule
Session #1: Travel from Neverwinter to Thundertree.
27th Flamerule
Session #1: Travel from Neverwinter to Thundertree, arrive late and get a room in the Ol' Boar Inn, later head to the Coley Farm to fight the Scratchy Bastard- turns out to be a bunch of Twig Blights. Princess Lucky is saved.
28th Flamerule
Session #2: Investigations in Thundertree, including meeting with Kerowyn Hucrele- Dark Squad hired, with salvage rights, to enter the Sunless Citadel to rescue the Hucrele kids.
Head to the ravine and enter the Sunless Citadel, kill Giant Rats, avoid traps and then unleash an Ice Mephit. Meet with Meepo- Kobold Dragonkeeper, taken to see the Kobold Queen- Yusdrayl.
Session #3: Depart with Meepo and Fraggle (tough kobold guard), in pursuit of Cornflakes the Dragon, although first stop to see the Dragon Door. Then follow tracks- investigate fountain and get potion but cannot enter the "Rebuke the Dead" door.
Onwards- fight way through three chambers worth of Goblins- eight killed. Rescue Erky Timbers (Gnome Priest of Tymora) and kobold prisoners.
On again- Meepo killed by Cornflakes, White Wyrmling. Cornflakes killed by Dark Squad- although Garumn takes a double beating.
Session #4: Find Khundrukhar Dwarven Scroll in Cornflake's treasure. Retreat to the Kobold’s lair, claim rewards for successes.
Relaxing- attacked by Hobgoblins, Goblins & Twig Blights; Dark Squad defend themselves and the Kobold's lair. Success. Yusdrayl not happy- promise to get rid of the Goblins.
Discover the Dragon Key is stuck in the jaws of the Dragon Altar- need the 'light that does not go out' to get the key- probably.
Long rest, at last.
29th Flamerule
Session #4: Head back into Goblin territory, Level 2 now, and with Vincenbear. Take down a bunch of Skeletons and a few more Goblins- there are lots more ahead.
Session #5: Do a deal with Grenl, Goblin Wise-Woman- they all hate Durn the new Hobgoblin chief of the tribe. Dark Squad slaughter Durn and his Hobgoblin cronies, followed by more chatter with Grenl, and info about the Twilight Grove. Discover Talgen Hucrele killed by Durn, Sharwyn & Sir Braford sent below. Karakas- unknown, presumed to be a bad guy.
Send Grenl and Goblins away, then descend into the Twilight Grove- kill more Twiggies and Skellies, and then take care of Ballsack (Bugbear) and his Giant Rats. More investigations- Underdark one-way, more Goblins another, and a ravine (with a possible Fire Worm) in the other direction. Take a well-earned short rest.
Session #6: Ramshambow completes his translation of the ancient dwarven scroll found in Cornflakes' hoard- the lost clanhold of Durgeddin the Black is near Mount Hotenow, that's just down the road.
Then Buggles puts his head around the door and gets interrogated- welcome to the Dark Squad. Then adventuring again- a bunch of tree-etched goblins are taken down- more grisly magic/evil nature experiments are found and investigated, the Outcast is a very bad druid, is the consensus.
Onwards, through a bunch more garden chambers, taking down a scythe wielding bugbear (Buggles gets sliced) and a bunch more goblins. More growing rooms (and more gardeners- skeletal this time) are discovered and avoided. On again, into a very dark chamber with a great big statue of a red dragon...
Session #7: Newt activates the Red Dragon statue and is enhanced, this after flushing the Shadow out- the undead foe strangles Ram for a while. On through a broken (small) library, with a few finds, and all the way to the Twilight Grove proper. Bust in on a clutch of Goblins and a few more Twig Blights- they're killed swiftly.
Break into the Outcast's office- find lots of money and a few other tomes, debate whether to go on/short rest/long rest- thirty minutes of chatter and the decision is eventually made- retreat, back to the Goblin experiments chamber for an extended rest.
30th Flamerule
Session #7: In the Goblin experiments chambers, towards the end of the extended rest Ram hears more Goblins moving around outside. It turns out to be Grenl and her friends, Vincenzo chats with the Goblin Shaman- it becomes obvious to the Druid's colleagues the Goblins are not here (initially) to help out. Ram initiates the slaughter, although his companions (save for Vincenzo) are as keen to get their hands dirty. It's a massacre... no, really, a massacre- just ask Ram.
Extended rest taken- the PCs are Level 3.
Session #8: After the rest all the way back to the Twilight Grove proper, a massive fungi and briar filled cavern with ruins of another fortress within. Vincen G. Spider makes an appearance and does a bit of scouting ahead- Twig Blights attack and are repulsed. Then onwards to the Outcast, the Gulthias Tree and the plant's new supplicants- Kerowyn and Sir Braford. It kicks off after a bunch of chatter, and twelve rounds later and it's the end of the session, the bad guys (including Kulket, the Giant Frog) are dead. Kerowyn and Sir Braford have been saved, courtesy of a magic apple, and the Gulthias Tree has sprouts of green. Victory!
Session #9: After the fight, chat with Kerowyn & Sir Braford- as best they can, the pair are seriously unwell. A good look around the chamber, and then spy in on the ex-Skeleton gardeners (they're destroyed) and then sneak up on a pair of Fire Worms- leave the beasts alone.
Then back up to the Sunless Citadel, through the Goblin scrap pile looking for stuff. Still searching for Karakas (Ranger) and the candle- the light that never goes out.
Find and explore the rat lair- in which, Sir Braford hoarsely states Karakas gave his life to save them. Ram triggers the poison spewing fountain and then the guys get jumped by more Giant Rats, including Guthash. Victory! Then discover Karakas' body, take the Ranger’s ring back to tell his tale.
Then back to the Kobolds to claim the rest of the PCs prizes from Yusdrayal at the altar. Then with Erky back to the door that will not open- rebuke/turn the dead to open the way. Erky gets it done- there's a single candle within, on a dragon altar. Skeletons burst out of the sarcophagi and it gets to fighting- another win for the Dark Squad. Take a strange whistle, a candle and a potion bottle.
Candle in the Dragon statue/altar and watch the show- a projection (maybe) of some ancient times, the collapse? An attack? What's going on- the PCs watch the nine-foot-tall vaguely Elven/Draconic (maybe) robed guy run all the way to the Dragon Door... then back to reality.
The Dragon Key is in the Dragon Door- and there's a room beyond... but that's for next time.
Session #10: Beyond the dragon door is... first up, a chamber with a glowing globe that plays “also sprach zarathrustra", at least when Newt gets to it- the volume is terrific but none of the PCs seem to mind- the kobolds run off, the globe gets smashed- shut up. Onwards, into a trapped corridor- Buggles gets shot, the PCs get across. Into another ancient undisturbed chamber- high ceilings, and a fifteen-foot-tall dragon statue- menacing pose, it talks- asks its riddle, and the answer is stars. Thanks Vincenzo. A secret door opens and into the tomb of the Dragon Lord- you can see the great sarcophagus through the archway ahead, alas there's a spiked pit in the way, and a bunch of other life-like statues. The figures here look exactly like the guard elves in the PCs earlier vision (last session).
Ram heads over the pit (just) and is attacked by a stirge/small demon (a quasit called Jot). There's a bit of panic but Buggles shoots the demon attacker, Jot disappears, and then for the rest of the session mostly harangues the PCs for the remainder of their stay here- which turns out to be both short and long, you'll see- read on.
It's open the sarcophagi time, only- there's an earth tremor, this after Garumn gets hurt trying to jump over the spiked pit- they need the dwarf because it requires strength to open the sarcophagi. Note Vincen G Spider makes a brief appearance- he webs the pit, safety first. But back to the earth tremors, and the PCs are starting to doubt their actions- should they really open the sarcophagi? The earth tremors are getting worse, meantime Newt has found a secret tunnel- I wonder where it goes? Vince really doesn't want to open the sarcophagi- alas Yusdrayl and her kobold friends have a different opinion- "Open it NOW! Release the Dragon Lord!"
It gets to fighting, and as it turns out the kobolds are very good at jumping over the pit too... the fracas is interrupted however- the place is quite definitely collapsing. Time to get out (the decision is eventually made) through the secret tunnel and into another hidden chamber, written on the wall in draconic- "Never let it out..."
Too late. back in the sarcophagi chamber the Dragon Lord has arrived- "I AM ASHARDALON", that's not good- Ashardalon, the PCs know, is a (ancient?) dragon that was worshipped here by the Dragon Cultists in times long past. Well, he's back...
Then flee to the exit, with Newt following the nine-foot-tall robed dragon/elf (Ashardalon) as it tears its way out. The kobolds are mostly forgotten about- except for Yusdrayl who is cut down by the rogues, the rest either die or flee. The PCs are also trying to outrun the ongoing collapse, hampered by the fact that the floor is bucking and roiling at every step.
Eventually, back to the battlements, this after a brief bit of further of nastiness with Jot- the quasit appears and gets eldritch blasted by Newt, that's not very friendly.
On the battlements are Sharwyn, Sir Braford and Erky- they got out, and the elf/dragon abomination- Ashardalon, but that's not the strangest thing- the entire Sunless Citadel is being propelled upwards, to the surface.
The Sunless Citadel gets to see the sun one last time before finally collapsing in upon itself- Ashardalon, ignoring everyone/thing still- strides off. The PCs and the other survivors scramble free and clear- watch the continuing destruction of the ancient ruin and count their blessings.
They're out of spells, powers, everything- three of them are very badly wounded- Ram (as usual), Garumn and Buggles, but they have survived- and rescued two of the folk they were sent to fetch. Alas Jot has also survived- "See ya later ass hats!"
The adventure, save for the retelling, is over- back to Thundertree.
Session #11: The after-party coinciding with Midsummer. The Dark Squad collect their rewards from the Hucrele's, visit with Rurik the smith- eventually taking him Shatterspike, this after Sir Braford has gifted them the blade. Plenty more meetings, and then on the road back to Neverwinter.
1st Eleasis
Session #11: On the road to Neverwinter, arrive on the 3rd Eleasis.
3rd Eleasis
Session #12: Selling stuff, buying stuff- downtime activities in Neverwinter. Then on to the problems with Gundren Rockseeker, Big Al of the Shoremean and Erky Timber, the Gnome Priest of Tymora that 'sold' Big Al the fake Durgeddin the Black hand axe.
Downtime in Neverwinter et al continues until the 20th of Uktar.
20th Uktar
Session #12: The Dark Squad get their gear together and head off for Castell Gwythyr in the Neverwinter Woods- five days of travel to get there. They’re going to search Mount Hotenow for the Stone Tooth and find the entrance to the lost forges of Durgeddin the Black.
25th Uktar
Session #12: Arrive at Castell Gwythyr, meet with Lord Boskin, Lorrelade the Scout and Erky Timbers.
Discover that Lord B has an Orc problem, and the Orcs are laired in a place called the Stone Tooth, funny that the Dark Squad are searching for the Stone Tooth, Khundrukar lies nearby- the former holdfast of Durgeddin the Black.
Also, Erky's brother Spandwick the Magic Gnome (ex-stage magician/mesmerist) and his wife/assistant Bel (a bit addled) need to be checked in upon.
Next step, into the cold wilds of the Neverwinter Woods and the Crags of Hotenow, in search of Orcs and Durgeddin's forges, onwards to adventure.
Session #13: Into the Neverwinter Forest, the cold and wilds- good progress is made. No encounters, they're on their way to the Stone Tooth, although first stop Spandwick & Bel's hut.
26th Uktar
Session #13: Into the Neverwinter Forest, the cold and wilds- although a hard slog- with plenty of snow. No encounters, they're on their way to the Stone Tooth, although first stop Spandwick & Bel's hut.
27th Uktar
Session #13: Into the Neverwinter Forest, the cold and wilds- easy travel but crossing the main trail an encounter with an Orc hunting party heading home- the Dark Squad slaughter all five. Onwards and to Spandwick and Bel's hut, the place is a mess- ransacked. It seems the pair of gnomes have been captured- by Orcs, and a big wolf. Rest here and follow the Orcs the next day.
28th Uktar
Session #13: Into the Neverwinter Forest, the cold and wilds- another hard slog through the snow, eventually the Dark Squad locate a bunch of old ruins, the Orcs (and big Wolf) stopped here, but seemingly fled the area in a rush. Then the Owlbear shows up and gets slaughtered. Later, around the campfire a pair of Giant Spiders attempt to grab some lunch- Ram is grabbed up and paralyzed, Newt comes to his rescue, while Vincen G. Spider delivers the killing blow to the other. Then rest- continue following the Orc hunters tomorrow.
29th Uktar
Session #13: Into the Neverwinter Forest, the cold and wilds- a day spent travelling- following the Orc (and big Wolf) hunters, eventually a hidden secondary trail is found- the Orcs headed into the lower reaches of the Stone Tooth. Rest here, and then make the climb tomorrow.
30th Uktar
Session #13: Four hours climb to a high ledge on the Stone Tooth, a couple of Orc guards are taken down by the rogues, then- after the discovery of Orc archers above, the Dark Squad make their dash to the Mountain Door. We're mid-dash when the session ends, the front of the party has discovered a narrow ledge beyond the door and a rope bridge over a chasm... Bugger!
Session #14: Three plus hours of play and about five minutes of actual in-game action. The Dark Squad power through twenty or so Orcs and their various leaders et al- Vak & Thrag (Dire Wolves), Old Yarrack (Orog) and Great Ulfe (Ogre). Alas Burdug (Eye of Gruumsh) gets away, although she's badly wounded. Also, the prisoners- "Inconceivable" Geradil, screaming Courana and "Where's Bel?" Spandwick the Magic Gnome are rescued, well... sorta.
Session #15: Wander about a bit in search of the missing Orc Eye of Gruumsh, and Bel (Spandwick's wife)- find the Orc Shaman's lair- then the Grand Stair, and a bunch of Stirges. Then Ram unleashes fiery hell- the Dwarf door trap. Venture down the stair- after the missing Orc Shaman/Bel- more Stirges down a narrow crevasse.
Wander back upstairs and through all of the various Orc chambers- lots of treasure, but no Bel- where is she? That's what Spandwick is constantly asking. Vincenzo manages to get a poison breathing Dwarf statue trap to work. Then find the secret door back into the Orc archer's former quarters- and rest.
Level 4 is achieved.
The Feast of the Moon
Session #16: Rise and shine Level 4- after much chatter it is decided that the Orc’s former prisoners are travelling with the Dark Squad- that's not good. A Locate Object spell fails to find Bell's wedding ring- as described by Spandwick, and so the Squad head below again.
First an attack of Stirges and then Ram goes exploring and discovers a nest of Troglodytes, the Rogue gets away in time and then returns with his friends. The entire tribe including caster leader, and giant lizard turn up for the fight- victory for the Dark Squad, although at a price. Then Vincen G Octopod- chasing after the invisible Trog leader is confronted by a (HUGE) Giant Subterranean Lizard, it gets bloody- particularly when Vincen G. is swallowed by the beast. Also, Buggles and Ram take dirt naps- but victory at last, courtesy of Vincenzo's Moonbeam. The guys retreat back to the stairs to lick their wounds and rest.
Session #17: Back to the trog caverns, search the abandoned lair- silver found, and the former lair of the giant subterranean lizard- more silver found, and a few potions. Then through tricksy caverns by fast flowing water into the sinkhole cavern, and from there to the Glitterhame and the tombs of the ancients- a fight with a trio of violet fungi. Time spent examining the dwarven stone sarcophagi- mostly empty, but a few clues here. Then check out the other thus far uninvestigated cavern passage- trogs, the bastard Kaarghaz is back, and they have a cave bear- kick their arses.
Session #18: Clear up after the Trog fight and check around, find passage out of the mountain- locate cave and persuade Geradil and Courana to stay there. Head back into the mountain- soon after Newt and Vinnie poisoned by mould and very badly injured. Find nice silver helm and slitheringhate (mongoose!) a Durgeddin the Black scimitar (taken by Buggles). Beat up- head back out of the mountain to Courana's cave to rest and tell stories- about Newt's slave history, and his Warlock pact, also a bit from Buggles about him and Gwen. Then rest.
1st Nightal
Session #18: Rise and shine and back into the mountain, back to the Glitterhame- Buggles gets attacked by a Grick, and then another one shows up- tough fight but both tentacled monsters killed, and their lair found- a little treasure. Also, the door to Durgeddin's forges spotted from above, alas it won’t open- no key, great (great) lock and the thing is made of adamantine.
Now searching for Bel and the Key to the Forges. Down the sinkhole, ancient storage chambers found... and an Ooze!
Session #19: Defeat two Grey Oozes, check through the storeroom- nothing to be found and then go exploring. Spot the Roper and attack- Garumn is grabbed (and bitten) Vincenzo just grabbed- tough fight until the tentacled Vincen G. shows up.
Then... lotsa stuff, save the Roper's corpse from floating off (treasure inside), meet Bel- find the key to the door to Durgeddin's forge and then Bel(phegor) turns up and issues instructions to Newt. Then find lots of stuff in the Roper's gizzard. back to the secret cave- en route check out the waterlogged storeroom and find potion sack.
To the cave to deposit Bel and Spandwick, although now Buggles and Vincenzo are both poorly (and exhausted) some sort of disease in the water they've been swimming in. Cure up and rest up, another overnight stay.
Ram spots huge ancient red dragon wing-over during his watch.
2nd Nightal
Session #19: Head back into the mountain, and to the door- then through, into Durgeddin's forges, but first a chamber with big statue dwarves with axes and two doors- it's a trap, and so it proves- Newt gets slashed repeatedly. Through a secret door, alerting a magical mouth- "Intruders!" and on into a great dwarven hall.
The Dark Squad are curtly told to do one (clear off) and by a hidden dwarf?
Session #20: Fight the duergar, after Newt upsets them. Then stop to chat- then fight again, kill 'em all. Mooch about a bit and then yet another duergar opens a door- and then disappears, and another. Hunt the duergar- the doors to the forge are opened and the secret's out- more duergar including Snurrevin- Smith & Wizard. Also, Nimira- heavily armed and armoured female duergar warrior. Big fight- close to the wire. Dark Squad FTW although the two duergar named above escape.
Search for enemies and anything to find, shut and lock the door to the forge- then rest. Follow river cavern from forge- spot a ledge- rope ladder leading down. Vincen G. Spider shows up scuttles over to ledge and finds secret crawlspace. Rest of Dark Squad make their way over. Rogues sent into crawlspace- one branch leads back to Nimira's chamber (which they chose not to search earlier).
Crawlspace leads on into communal area with well, and the bodies of two dozen ancient fallen- orcs and dwarves. Dwarf ghost shows up- rages and splutters about the orcs following them here- to get him? Who's him- is it Durgeddin the Black?
Follow ghost on- tells the story of Man and the Crocodile- taking it in turns to carry each other across their respective kingdoms. What's the story about do the Dark Squad think? Buggles with a good answer- fulfil your promises. Although 'he' had a different answer. Then dwarf heads through door- "they're in here..." There's obviously more to the ghost's story...
Session #21: Fight ancient dwarven skeletons- find some silver, talk a bit more to the dwarven ghost- and then follow the spirit through secret doors into ancient dwarven chapel. Fight undead skeletal ogres and orc champion wight- find the body of Durgeddin the Black, only it isn't- the dwarf ghost was lying.
Chat a while longer and rest, then head back and search the dwarven chambers (avoiding the ghost). Newt gets smothered by a massive carpet and the first drafts for the ancient dwarven scroll (that lead the Dark Squad here) are found in Arundil (High Wizard's) chambers
Then an armoury in which a pair of animated armours attack, then a locked door and Idalla.
Female shield dwarf turns out (at the very end) to be a fiendish succubi- Garumn briefly kissed into oblivion that is until the Dark Squad to the rescue- Vinnie with his ear to the door. Idalla turns ethereal and departs.
Oh, but Garumn is still in love with Idalla.
Last stop, en route to the final unopened door, another encounter with the dwarven ghost who finally reveals that Durgeddin the Black was an albino- a stunted dwarf, not big and brawny- only just over 3ft tall. But he was the greatest smith there has ever been, the ghost quite sad.
Session #22: Fight tables and Nimira, the last duergar- in the kitchen. Tables hurt. The dwarven ghost turns up- it's Arundil, High Wizard to Durgeddin the Black- who, incidentally, got away. Lots more of Arundil's story- he summoned all the bad things including Idalla, but now he's been saved (by the Dark Squad). Rest up for the remainder of the day and night- Level 5.
3rd Nightal
Session #22: Newt checks out the library, the tabaxi can now read any language. Then down below to meet the dragon and recover the last Durgeddin weapon. Sneak about a bit- Vinnie falls off (nearly) a bridge but the Dragon is alerted. Ram & Buggles get acid hosed (the latter to unconsciousness- from full) then the fight back (sorta) begins. But Ashardalon is also in the mix, with his help the Dragon (Nightscale) gets slaughtered. Note Ashardalon only reveals himself at the end when he climbs on to treasure island and after getting shot by a just-healed Buggles, grabs something from the hoard and swims away.
The Dark Squad soak up all of the treasure, and then Garumn reveals he's actually dead- what now?
Eventually exit the mountain and back to the secret cave, with the corpse of Garumn.
Session #23: In the secret cave telling stories and chattering about what has been going on, subjects- Ashardalon, Garumn & Durgeddin the Black. Then the Uthgardt arrive- meet Daktari, convinces the eyes in the night/Dark Squad to come to camp- the Uthgardt have a prophecy, oh and get buzzed by Nightwing (Pegasus black as night).
To the Barbarian camp and meet Timor, he's not pleasant (first and last) the PCs get him onside for a while with nice gifts (bits of dead things) until Newt uses his magic- and now he's not going to hand over the artefact the Sky Pony clan have been keeping for the PCs for generations.
Bugger, back to the tent for more chat and Schlapp, fermented mares milk booze- tasty good. Vinnie gets dronk and turns Octopod, Daktari doesn't know whether to naughty word him or fight him.
Sleep it off.
4th Nightal
Session #23: Rise and shine and go to Thricewatch Lake- Ashardalon exited the mountain here, as did Durgeddin the Black centuries past. Then on to the Dragon's Graveyard- a great many skeletal wyrms here including a huge specimen. Ashardalon has been here, and then a Skeleton Juggernaut arises and attempts to slaughter the guys.
There's a message from Ashardalon- "I will be watching you", Vinnie messages back "we need to talk", top work.
Back to camp- more Schlapp and chatter, then a meeting with Old Mare- top up the Dark Squad's gear for the next adventure, into the land of the bad dead ancestors. But that starts tomorrow morning- cu there.
5th Nightal
Session #24: More chatter with Old Mare, then go and fetch Timor- we want our artefact, the Dark Squad get it- and it's a button, magical but not sure what use it is. A button with a maze on it.
Then after an hour-long ritual it's over to the land of the bad dead ancestors.
Barrow/Ancestor #1- Kratchik, and skeletons and a flameskull- it gets very bloody but eventually the ancestor is bested and tells his secret. Buggles chat, then rest.
Barrow/Ancestor #2- Larkoz, and Buggles and Newt make the ancestor river dance for 10-15 minutes, and then he tells his secret.
Barrow/Ancestor #3- Kolven, seeks forgiveness and tells the Dark Squad what he knows almost immediately. Vinnie absolves the bad dead ancestor of his sins.
Barrow/Ancestor #4- Spetznaz, and the guy likes his horses and so after defeating skeletal equicephs convince the ancestor to go for a ride on the back of Vince D Horse. Brilliant! He tells his secret.
Then out into the open and the dead come for the Dark Squad, including a decrepit version of Cornflakes. The battle won lightning strikes and Ram and Vinnie have a lifeline- Garumn, Vinnie thinks, is looking out for them, the sound of the forge.
Session #25: On again, in the land of the bad dead ancestors.
Barrow/Ancestor #5- crawling claws/orc hands from the PCs backpacks- Vinnie turns it into a performance but Newt steals the show (the tabaxi is clawed unconscious, healed by the druid and then performs acrobatics while firing off the light show). Ram juggles dead hands, and Buggles... plays his flute. The bad dead ancestor Golcanz is delighted, he tells his secret.
Daktari gets a hair cut from Newt.
Back out of the barrow and to the next, but not quite- here come the dead again- mostly goblins and hobbos- Spike Growth takes care of them, and then the lightning strikes- and nobody's dodging.
Lightning gives PCs inspiration points- cool, which can be used for healing.
Then more dead- including Ballsack the Bugbear and a few other named folk the Dark Squad offed back in the Sunless Citadel. It's a duck shoot with added Spike Growth mangler. The dead are soon dead again- lightning strike and the PCs are buzzing.
Barrow/Ancestor #6- Vinnie tries the chatter but that doesn't work, Latgun is not impressed, he frightens Ram just with his stare.
Buggles plugs the guy in the face twice- two Crits, and then Newt fills the chamber with fire- Latgun is toast. Then back again to share his secret.
The Dark Squad watch and wait- and sure enough the dead come again. More Spike Growth follows, all the PCs back in the barrow- except for Gwen who gets stuck in the dead Outcast's entangle. Kulket, the giant frog gets close to getting into the barrow but another massacre. Except the dead Outcast and the witch doctor goblin- Grenl stay outside and hidden. Newt and Buggles exit to kill the last two dead. Lightning strikes- and then the second wave, Yusdrayal (dead kobold queen), a few dead orcs, goblins etc, a pair of dead giant spiders and... the dead owlbear. Most everything gets shot, spike growthed or otherwise slaughtered. But the Owlbear tears Buggles a new one, and then rips open the side of the barrow- but victory for the Dark Squad and more lightning.
Then the final wave- orcs, lots of them- rushing into the barrow, also Great Ulfe the dead Ogre, and Old Yarrack, the dead Orog, and also a pair of deceased dire wolves- its tense. At the end Buggles and Ram have taken a beating, Newt is hiding and sniping- Vinnie is a badly wounded Bear and Daktari is raging.
Lightning strikes- one more barrow to do.
Session #26: Still in the land of the bad dead ancestors.
Barrow/Ancestor #7 and the last ancestor, else a bunch of guardians quickly beaten down, but no ancestor- but then the dead come- Trogs, Giant Lizards and Stirges. Dark Squad FTW- and then the scratchy box is dug up, and there's a book inside of it. Then more dead- a Cave Bear, Gricks and more Trogs- with Kaarghaz the Trog Chief- and the Dark Squad FTW.
The book seems to be writing the story of the Dark Squad- ongoing, and from the start of their adventures- there's not much time to figure things out however as the dead are here again- Duergar, and invisible with it. Dark Squad FTW as usual, and Newt gets a chance to try to re-write the Dark Squad's story- and get them out of the land of the bad dead ancestors.
Then more dead- Ogre Skeletons, Orc Champion Wight- dwarven Skeletons and Nimira... Fight! Fight! Fight! All the way to Nightscale, the rotten black dragon killed in the forge- tough fight but a flying Ram, a fireball from Newt, and plenty of back up from Buggles the marksman.
Done- but still the Dark Squad are stuck in the land of the bad dead ancestors and there's still no last ancestor. Search everywhere- nothing, there's no way out... except death.
Then Vinnie talks to the light or is it Garumn- certainly the dead dwarf paladin is unhappy to be here, as it turns out he's been sent here by the All Father to be the seventh bad dead ancestor. So, Garumn gets situated in the last collapsed barrow, and then he gets bested by Buggles in a shooting competition. The dwarf hands over his secret.
But that's not enough- nothing happens, the Dark Squad are still stuck in the land of the bad dead ancestors.
Vinnie then traces the maze on the Uthgardt artefact- a voice, "Ask, and I will tell?"
"How do we get out of here?"
But that's for the next session.
Session #27: More chatter to begin with, a variety of attempts to figure out how to escape the land of the bad dead ancestors. Garumn speaks with Moradin, the All Father miscalculated, and now the former paladin is stuck here, although- he's no idea what's going to happen to the Dark Squad. Wait and see- Vinnie prays to the All Father too, as does Buggles- although the wood elf beseeches his Aunty Ingrid.
The lights go out, and the shadow walls of this pocket plane come crushing in- and kill the members of the Dark Squad...
In the middle of the storm, up high- no sound, except perhaps the whistle of the wind- the five members of the Dark Squad float.
Daktari ascends to a heavenly wayward dash racing the wind through the steppes on the back of his beloved beautiful mount- Vince D. Horse.
Vinnie ascends, into the bathhouse attended by geisha girls- Keke, Peke & Cheeky. Freeballin's he's sent to see Sheldon, a massive (MASSIVE) turtle. He can call on Sheldon just once, and only then when standing in the surf on a far shore.
Buggles, Newt & Ramshambow descend, and after a cold dark boat ride into some sort of hellish office. The trio's eyes covered by maze-etched coins, like the artefact the Dark Squad got from the Uthgardt. Tiny demon’s/devil’s scribe in books- and before them a demon at a desk (Larry), any last words...
Then suddenly a winged devil- it's Jot, the little terror informs Larry (the devil/demon) at the desk that these are the ass-hats that let Ashardalon out. The deadly trio are sent back to the world.
The five members of the Dark Squad awake in the yurt of Old Mare, they've been gone from Faerun for 24 days, so we'd better skip to then...
29th Nightal
Session #27: The five members of the Dark Squad awake in the yurt of Old Mare, they've been gone from Faerun for 24 days, so we'd better skip to then... here we are.
More chatter, and recriminations, but Old Mare didn't know that the seventh ancestor had escaped- the missing fiend/hag is called Nightshade, not an Uthgardt chieftain but an old witch/wise woman, like Old Mare. The Dark Squad must get the ancestor back to set Garumn free- this they pledge.
Yet more chatter- the Uthgardt have gone, Courana with them- she married Timor, and the guys- as stated earlier, learn that their one day in the land of the bad dead ancestors has cost them 24 days in Faerun.
To the ancient dragon graveyard, Newt has an idea- something to do with a prophecy about a thousand teeth, but it's not to be. Although Vinnie has had his message to Ashardalon answered- the druid stated- "we need to talk", the reply- "We do. I will come for you." That's a little worrying.
Then no time like the present, get the gear together and out into the wilds.
At night camp stirges attack- a fireball makes the blood-draining flock go away.
30th Nightal
Session #27: Tramping through the snow all day to Spandwick's hut- get there to find the place being turned over by orcs. Buggles starts the war, as it turns out there's a hill giant at its toilet- it comes roaring to the fight, gets blinded and then gets slaughtered, although it smashes Buggles and crushes (almost) Gwen.
Spandwick and Bel grab their stuff, then they're outta here. More trudging through snow, and another night camp in the cold.
1493 Year of the Purple Dragons.
1st Hammer
Session #27: More trudging through snow, and another night camp in the cold.
2nd Hammer
Session #27: More trudging through snow, and arrive at Castell Gwythyr late in the afternoon, the place has been destroyed.
Investigations- Red Dragon, a massive beas-t fire and force ripped the Castell apart and killed everyone here. Except perhaps one- a small person, or else a gnome- the trail leads in the direction of Neverwinter.
Is Erky still alive, Spandwick & Bel hope so, the PCs the same.
3rd Hammer
Session #28: The return journey to Neverwinter, arrive at the city on the 6th of Hammer.
Cheers Goonalan