Sidharth Malhotra recently announced his next project which is the Hindi remake of South hit, Thadam. The film will see Sidharth in a double role and there’s already plenty hype surrounding the project. However, while the makers didn’t announce the female lead for the movie at the time, rumour has it that Mrunal Thakur has bagged the part.
According to reports, the Super 30 and Ghost Stories actress Mrunal Thakur has been signed on as the female lead for the film. She will play the role of a cop and it will be a crucial part in this action-thriller. Sidharth Malhotra will play a double role, where he will be seen as a suave businessman and a rookie thief. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse chase between the cop chasing the identical looking business man and thief.
Mrunal is currently shooting for the remake of Jersey, where she will star opposite Shahid Kapoor. Apart from this, she also will be seen alongside Abhimanyu Dasani in Aankh Mincholi. Looks like this young and talented actress, has an impressive line-up in her kitty!
More on: Mrunal Thakur, Sidharth Malhotra, Thadam